Create a
Great culture
Culture Audit
Lead your organisation to the creation of a great culture.
We know without a doubt that being part of an exceptional team and culture is not only possible, but within reach, one that invigorates, stimulates, and inspires.
Through our Culture Audit, leaders gain complete visibility of their organisational culture and a clear road map to make it great, leading their people to be their best selves.
As a result of the audit, you can confidently leverage your organisation’s strengths and take advantage of opportunities. You will not only understand what is happening, but also why it’s happening and how to address it with confidence.
We are driven by our passion to help leaders, organisations, and teams achieve extraordinary culture. Every organisation has incredible strengths that, when properly leveraged, can help achieve a workplace that inspires greatness. We believe that every person has a deep desire to be part of something extraordinary.
Achieving an Inspiring Culture
Let’s take the first step towards creating an amazing culture by conducting a qualitative audit. Our expert facilitators will conduct interviews and focus groups with a representative sample from your organization to understand and prioritize your values and behaviors. This will help us develop a deep understanding of what’s really going on in your organization.
While surveys provide detailed information, they can only answer limited questions and potentially miss the unique aspects that make your culture great. That’s why Team Focus Plus offers a qualitative Culture Audit that gives you a comprehensive assessment of your organization, including the things that are not being said.
Our goal is to empower you to create a great culture that inspires your people to be their best. And we do this by presenting our findings in a comprehensive report that serves as the foundation for your success.
With Team Focus Plus by your side, creating an inspiring culture is within your reach.
Audit Steps
Qualitative Assessment
- Interviews and focus groups with a representative sample of your organisation
- Each department and area is included to ensure a thorough sample
- Statistically we only need to interview 10% for accurate representation. In most companies we end up interviewing closer to 20% because of the interviews and focus groups needed in various departments.
- Focus Groups are 1.5 hours, Interviews are 45 minutes
- Focus Groups are in groups of between 3 to 6 people
Data Analysis
- Our team of skilled and experienced facilitators assess the data to interpret the cultural messages
- Observations of each Facilitator in the process are discussed at length and summarised
Comprehensive Report
- A comprehensive report that provides benchmark ratings for future assessment and a detailed summary of our observations and recommendations is produced
Presentation of Results
- We present our results to senior executives and key stakeholders in a meeting that allows for a thorough discussion and understanding of the information being provided

A qualitative culture assessment is your first step in understanding and leveraging your unique organisational culture.
Take the opportunity to make the strengths of your organisation a unique competitive advantage.
– contact us now.
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Our Approach
We are passionate about helping leaders, organisations and teams achieve great culture