Name your Corporate Culture

There are different ways to change culture and I’m a strong advocate in naming your desired culture. It’s the best way to start and maintain a conversation that keeps your people thinking, talking, learning, and growing with the culture.

Do you really want culture change?

When you have a great culture you will enjoy superior productivity and performance because people are more motivated, enthusiastic, and committed. You will also experience less absenteeism, conflict, staff turnover, and other problems. The net result can be truly amazing.

Culture Change Transforms Prison

Culture Change goes much deeper than just improving organisational performance or profit. People’s lives change for the better.

Inside Retail Live Takeaways: Defining a Culture for the Retail Industry

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at Inside Retail Live in Melbourne. It was a great opportunity to see what some of the more recent trends and challenges are for the retail industry. The event confirmed for me just how competitive and challenging the retail space is at the moment. […]

Culture Definition

In Team Focus we use the following as a working definition for culture: “The attitudes and behaviour people subconsciously adopt in order to fit in.” What is your company culture like?