What Is Cultural Intelligence?

Culturally intelligent people must also know how to use this understanding to work compassionately and positively with anyone they meet. They’re willing to learn all they can about their colleagues’ different nationalities, traditions, disciplines, and organisational cultures.

4 Things You Should Do to Prevent a Toxic Work Environment

Introduction to Culture

Some employees are afraid to raise issues and ask for help due to being previously ridiculed. To resolve this, you should encourage senior members and team heads to be approachable. While it is necessary to project a sense of authority and respect, it does not do leaders any good to have subordinates cower in fear and avoid sharing ideas.

Is It Really Necessary to Have a Culture Change Coach?

For positive change, behavioural transformation must happen for both managers and peers. Coaches can guide managers in making these changes. The managers, in turn, can relay these processes to subordinates until the ideal workplace culture fully resonates within the organisation.

4 Tips to Improve Productivity Within Your Team

It’s best to provide your team with the goals and background of the project as well. This not only prevents misunderstandings, but also helps with idea generation. The better your team members understand their tasks, the better they can accomplish them.

4 Benefits of Engaging a Time Management Expert

Hiring a time management expert is one of the best investments that a professional can make. Besides teaching you practical skills, an expert helps you develop healthier habits and attitudes that can enhance the overall quality of your life.

5 Ways a Brand can Forge a Cohesive Company Culture

Your company’s vision, purpose, and objectives should be clear to everyone, from the senior leaders down to the rest of the organisation. Strategies and ways of working should be anchored on the company’s purpose.

How to Maintain Company Culture While Remotely Working

The pandemic has driven most organisations around the world into remote working. Working from home, or working from anywhere, has proven to be effective at increasing productivity. Many people find remote working more convenient as it avoids incremental costs on outside meals, car fuel, or commuting costs, saves time spent on hours of travel, and […]

Consequences of an Organisation Without a Culture

Culture plays a big role in influencing how an organisation corresponds to the demands and needs of everyone in the outside world. Strong company culture determines the performance of businesses, regardless of the industry.